Carl Asaro Memorial Auto Show
Sunday, April 16,2023
8am - 2pm
College of San Mateo
1700 W. Hillsdale San Mateo CA 94402
In 22 years of holding his annual car show in San Mateo, Carl Asaro raised nearly $1,000,000 for his favorite charities. That was his goal: to raise at least one million dollars for community causes he believed in. We're so close. Let's do this to honor the memory of a good man who lived to give.
Car Crazy Promotions was founded by Carl Asaro in 1996, when an interesting article appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle about a small nonprofit group called FCLO (Families Creating Living Options). The article highlighted a PG&E employee, Vern Whitman, and outlined the efforts that he and his family put forth to establish and run a home for children with severe multiple disabilities. Since Vern and Carl grew up in the same neighborhood in San Francisco and shared a long standing friendship and interest in collector cars, Car Crazy Promotions was formed to provide financial support for the FCLO Project.

They decided to embark on a fund raising campaign that included a car show and bar-b-que, which proved to be a successful formula for meeting the financial needs of that organization.
In time the FLCO became a "For Profit" organization and Carl turned his attention to Special Olympics of San Mateo County, California School for the Blind and the Alisa Ann Ruch Burn Foundation.
Carl's selflessness did not stop with just his annual car show. He spent over 20 years as President and leader of Golden Gate Street Machines Unlimited (GGSMU) Car Club. He gave his time to friends and strangers to help regularly. Through his mentorship, support and friendship he was able to help raise additional contributions of over $5,000,000 through many other events to help so many others.